
作者:程黛苑Monica 发布时间:2023-02-20








前几天看到了RADII上一篇关于《狂飙》的文章,有一种咱们冲出亚洲走向世界的感觉hhh 而且这篇文章里还使用到了大量GRE词汇!

With a score of 9/10 on the Chinese review platform Douban, ‘The Knockout’ tells the story of a beleaguered policeman’s attempt to destroy a criminal gang


Since crime drama The Knockout (狂飙, Kuangbiao) began streaming on January 14, it has quickly become one of the most talked about shows online. It currently boasts an impressive 9/10 score on the Chinese review platform Douban, the highest rating yet for a show or movie this year on the site.


The drama is so popular that it reportedly crashed the streaming platform iQiyi on its ninth day of broadcasting. The show just wrapped up its 39-episode run on February 1.


The Knockout is about a 20-year-long power struggle between An Xin (played by Zhang Yi), a front-line policeman, and Gao Qiqiang (Zhang Songwen), the leader of a major criminal enterprise in the fictional city of Jinghai.


The two men first meet in 2000 when An, a young police officer, interrogates Gao, a hard-working, orphaned fishmonger, for some petty crimes.


Over the next two decades, Gao falls deeper and deeper into the criminal underworld in a misguided effort to support his younger siblings, eventually becoming a mafia boss himself.


Bribery, murder-for-hire, and meth dealing are all crimes that Gao eventually becomes involved in — but An’s investigation is never far behind his heels.


Interestingly, The Knockout’s popularity has boosted sales of Sun Tzu’s 5th-century BCE work The Art of War, simply because the military treatise makes a few cameos in the drama.


First appearing in episode four, when An recommends it to Gao, The Art of War becomes a guide of sorts for Gao as he works his way up the criminal ladder. Throughout the drama, Gao reads from, quotes, and attributes his success to the book.


Since The Knockout began streaming, The Art of War has risen to 12th on China’s major online book retailer Dangdang’s bestseller list. Additionally, some versions of the book have reportedly sold out online.


Though the resurgence of The Art of War is evidence of this drama’s popularity, it is not the reason why The Knockout has reached such heights.


Overall, viewers love the depth of the characters and the genuine nature of their relationships. Many also attribute the show’s magic to Zhang Songwen’s heartfelt performance, and his character’s evident humanity, despite his crimes.


A reviewer wrote for the Chinese magazine Sanlian Lifeweek, “What is special about The Knockout is that it spends a lot of time showing how an ordinary person [like Gao] becomes a criminal… It does not simply treat Gao’s depravity as a personal choice, but also points to deeper problems [within society].”


Another shared on Douban, “[The show is] suspenseful, sensational, detailed, bold, and interspersed with humor. We watch An Xin change from a tough and vivacious young policeman to a gray-haired and lethargic office worker. And we witness Gao Qiqiang moving step-by-step from an oppressed fishmonger to a mobster, essentially stepping into the abyss.”


However, one show cannot satisfy every audience member, and some netizens have taken issue with The Knockout’s adherence to themes like patriotism and heroism.


“As soon as I see anti-gang themes, I feel physically disgusted……; stop filming such useless things, and stop wasting these excellent actors,” criticized one Douban user.




knockout n. 击倒




With a score of 9/10 on the Chinese review platform Douban, ‘The Knockout’ tells the story of a beleaguered policeman’s attempt to destroy a criminal gang




beleaguer v. 围攻



from be- "around" (see be-) + leaguer "to camp"
· GRE金句:But despite his considerable fame, his dominance over the pictorial content of a successful periodical, and his unprecedented salary among American illustrations, Nast often felt beleaguered and disgruntled at Harper’s Weekly.

Since crime drama The Knockout (狂飙, Kuangbiao) began streaming on January 14, it has quickly become one of the most talked about shows online. It currently boasts an impressive 9/10 score on the Chinese review platform Douban, the highest rating yet for a show or movie this year on the site.




boast v. 拥有;吹嘘




联想-boost v. 提高,增加(自吹自擂 -----吹牛吹上了天)
· GRE金句:Though we live in an era of stunning scientific achievement, many otherwise educated people remain indifferent to or contemptuous of such achievement, even going so far as to boast of their ignorance of basic physics.

The two men first meet in 2000 when An, a young police officer, interrogates Gao, a hard-working, orphaned fishmonger, for some petty crimes.




interrogate v. 质问,审问



· 词根拆解:inter-,在内+ -rog, 要求,询问,引申为质问,审问。
GRE金句:The myth of the small town as a repository of innocence and contentment has frequently been interrogated in literature and film by depictions of rural life as plagued by worldly ambitions.



fishmonger n. 鱼贩子



· fish + monger(n. 商人,贩子)。

在GRE中含有monger的词还有:profit monger n. 贪婪的人;scaremonger n. 危言耸听者。



petty adj. 不重要的, 次要的




Bribery, murder-for-hire, and meth dealing are all crimes that Gao eventually becomes involved in — but An’s investigation is never far behind his heels.




bribery n. [法] 贿赂

原型:bribe v. 贿赂



在古英语指施舍给乞丐的小片面包,词源同break, 分开,小块。

Interestingly, The Knockout’s popularity has boosted sales of Sun Tzu’s 5th-century BCE work The Art of War, simply because the military treatise makes a few cameos in the drama.




boost v. 增加, 促进



· GRE金句:However, others predict the opposite: technological boosts to efficiency could increase the profitability of palm oil, making it even more attractive to developers.

The Art of War 《孙子兵法》



treatise n. 论文;专著




Though the resurgence of The Art of War is evidence of this drama’s popularity, it is not the reason why The Knockout has reached such heights.




resurgence n. 复苏



来自 re-,再 + sur-, 向上,regere,拉直,升直,引申词义复兴,复活
· GRE金句:His current resurgence is helped by the vogue for so-called process-based abstraction and a revival of interest in performance art.

Overall, viewers love the depth of the characters and the genuine nature of their relationships. Many also attribute the show’s magic to Zhang Songwen’s heartfelt performance, and his character’s evident humanity, despite his crimes.




genuine adj. 真实的,真正的;诚恳的



来自词根gen, 生育,词源同generate. 即天生的。
· GRE金句:Her shaky voice notwithstanding, she was a kindly woman with a genuine appreciation for music.

A reviewer wrote for the Chinese magazine Sanlian Lifeweek, “What is special about The Knockout is that it spends a lot of time showing how an ordinary person [like Gao] becomes a criminal… It does not simply treat Gao’s depravity as a personal choice, but also points to deeper problems [within society].”




depravity n. 堕落;邪恶



de-, 向下 + -prav, 弯的,扭曲的,引申为变态,堕落。

Another shared on Douban, “[The show is] suspenseful, sensational, detailed, bold, and interspersed with humor. We watch An Xin change from a tough and vivacious young policeman to a gray-haired and lethargic office worker. And we witness Gao Qiqiang moving step-by-step from an oppressed fishmonger to a mobster, essentially stepping into the abyss.”




sensational adj. (通过可怕的细节)令人兴奋的, 骇人听闻的



sense,感觉,知觉+ -ation,名词后缀。引申为刺激感官,使震惊,造成轰动。
· GRE金句:While sensational tabloid newspapers may scandalize proponents of journalistic rigor and probity, they are not an external source of infection slowly contaminating serious journalism.



lethargic adj. 无精打采的



· GRE金句:The lethargy of Craig’s government had left the nation almost totally unprepared for war when it came.



abyss n. 深渊(指危险的处境)



前缀a-, 没有。词根byss, 底,词源同base, 底。
· GRE金句:Our ancient ancestors often viewed the ocean as something immemorial: in numerous creation myths, a watery abyss was present before the emergence of land and even light.

However, one show cannot satisfy every audience member, and some netizens have taken issue with The Knockout’s adherence to themes like patriotism and heroism.




taken issue with v. 反对

· GRE金句:She took issue with what she saw as Febvre and Martin’s gradualism and stressed the advent of printing as a revolutionary event rather than an evolutionary change.



adhere to v. 坚持,遵守,遵循

· GRE金句:Most linguists adhere to the hypothesis that Gullah and these Caribbean dialects are primarily derived from a source language that is no longer spoken, a language derived, at least lexically, from Portuguese.
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