
作者:闫晨晨 发布时间:2024-03-25









Astronomers who study planet formation once believed that comets—because they remain mostly in the distant Oort cloud, where temperatures are close to absolute zero—must be pristine relics of the material that formed the outer planets. The conceptual shift away from seeing comets as pristine relics began in the 1970s, when laboratory simulations revealed there was sufficient ultraviolet radiation reaching comets to darken their surfaces and there were sufficient cosmic rays to alter chemical bonds or even molecular structure near the surface. Nevertheless, astronomers still believed that when a comet approached the Sun—where they could study it—the Sun’s intense heat would remove the corrupted surface layer, exposing the interior. About the same time, though, scientists realized comets might contain decaying radioactive isotopes that could have warmed cometary interiors to temperatures that caused the interiors to evolve.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
According to the passage, astronomers recognize which of the following as being liable to cause changes to comets?


A. cosmic rays

B. radioactive decay

C. ultraviolet radiation




radioactive decay不是最后“scientist”提到的嘛?这个题问astronomers为啥还能选呢?我们做题不是应该关注视角嘛?


首先,这道题其实问的是事实(题干中说的是astronomers “recognize”),recognize是咱们说的“叙实类动词”。AC选项是第二句实验“reveal”出来的,是事实。B选项是最后一句scientists “realized”的内容,还是事实。recognize、reveal、realize都是咱们课上总结过的“叙实类动词”。





除非文章说“some astronomers”和“other scientists”那我们才可以理解成是出现了两拨不同的立场/视角。

Some historians have recently challenged the “party period paradigm,” the view, advanced by McCormick and others, that political parties—especially the two major parties—in the United States between the years 1835 and 1900 evoked extraordinary loyalty from voters and dominated political life. Voss-Hubbard cites the frequency of third-party eruptions during the period as evidence of popular antipathy to the two-party regime. He correctly credits third parties with helping generate the nineteenth-century’s historically high rates of voter turnout by forcing major parties to bolster supporters’ allegiance, lest minor parties siphon off their votes, and with pushing policy demands that the major parties ignored. Formisano stresses the pervasive record of nonpartisan and antiparty governance at the local level, and women’s frequent participation in nineteenth-century public life, prior to their enfranchisement, in nonpartisan and antiparty ways as evidence of the limitations of the party period paradigm. Yet McCormick would deny that the existence of antiparty sentiment during the period undermines the paradigm, since he has always acknowledged the residual strength of such sentiment during the nineteenth century. In any case, the strength of the paradigm is its comparative thrust: the contrast it draws between the period in question and later political eras.

Select the sentence in the passage that describes how a historian might reply to attempts to call his theory into question.



Yet ...century.


这道题的关键根本不在historian这个词上,因为题目说的是“a” historian。这依旧是一个泛指,文章中的这些学者都可以是“a” historian。文章描述的是“some” historians 质疑 McCormick 这个historian。


这道题的关键在于我们要选择“reply to attempts to call his theory into question”,这个逻辑关系的要求才是重点:一个人面对他人的质疑会进行的回应。首先,文章中被质疑的是McCormick,所以我们恰恰要选择的是McCormick的立场,他会如何回应前文的那些质疑。


有了这个思路之后,答案就明了了:Yet McCormick would deny that…这是 McCormick 对于前文那些质疑的回应。


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