干货资料 干货文章 盘点GRE阅读高分杀手,看看你中招了几个?
作者:闫晨晨 发布时间:2024-07-25
Animals live longer when their calorie intake is restricted to two-thirds of what is considered normal for their species. Animals so restricted are also generally healthier: most disease, including cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative illness, are forestalled. This phenomenon was long attributed to a simple slowing of metabolism (cells’ production of energy from fuel molecules) and consequent reproduction of its toxic by-products in response to less food. In fact, however, calorie restriction does not slow mammalian metabolism, and in yeast and worms, metabolism is both sped up and altered. Some scientists now theorize that calorie restriction is a biological stressor that, like natural food scarcity, induces a more complex defensive response, which in mammals includes changes in cellular defenses and repair.
Q1. In the passage, the function of the highlighted portion ("in yeast and worms, metabolism is both sped up and altered") is to
A. Provide specific examples of organisms whose longevity does not increase in response to calorie restriction.
B. Illustrate the probable means by which organisms placed on a calorie-restriction diet compensate for the reduction in available food-based level.
C. Suggest the mechanism that is responsible for prolonging the life of organism whose calorie intake is significantly reduced.
D. Give an example that explain why scientists’ thinking about the physiological effects of calorie restriction changed.
E. Distinguish the different ways that mammalian and non-mammalian metabolisms respond to significant reductions in calorie intake
For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
Q2. The passage implies which of the following about the explanation mentioned in the highlighted text ("This phenomenon was long attributed to a simple slowing of metabolism")?
A. There are empirical findings that conflict with a presumption of the explanation.
B. The explanation predicts that the effect of calorie restriction on longevity will be the greatest for the species with the highest rate of metabolism.
C. The explanation predicts that the effects of calorie restriction will be uniformly positive.
1. 描述一个现象:动物吃的少可以健康长寿
2. 一直以来的解释:这是因为(吃得少)会降低metabolism从而减少toxic产生(进而可以健康长寿)。
3. 质疑这个解释:很多动物吃的少并没有导致metabolism下降。(那就不可能是metabolism下降导致这个现象了)
4. 提出新解释:应该是吃的少引发了另一种更复杂的防御性机制(而非因为metabolism下降)
Q1. 这是一道功能题,考察的是我们对于句间关系的把握。
根据刚刚的文章分析,提到“yeast and worms”是为了质疑之前的解释。
然后带着这个预判看选项,很多同学就直接秒选了A,因为看到了“…does not increase…”心想:那这个选项就是在表达“质疑”!就是它了!
“longevity does not increase in response to calorie restriction”这是在质疑文章刚开始描述的那个现象!现象是事实,文章是不可能质疑的。文章质疑的是针对这个现象的“解释”。
这个题正确答案应该是D,scientists’ thinking changed体现了我们想要的逻辑,即:这句话说明了之前的观点不对(于是之后又提出了新观点)。
另外,这道题还会有些同学误选E。因为看到文章这句话里有几个词“does not slow mammalian metabolism”,mammal的metabolism没有下降,然后就自己脑补了一个对比:那nonmammal应该是下降了的。
Q2. 这是道信息题,问作者认为之前的解释怎么样。作者对之前的解释肯定是负态度。
这道题的常见错误是很多同学会在BC选项上纠结很久最终甚至会额外选择B或者C。但当我搭眼看到“the explanation predicts”这个逻辑的时候就知道BC肯定不对,完全没必要花过多的时间纠结。因为它只是在解释刚开始的那个现象,没有进行过什么“预测”。
❶ 很多考“质疑”逻辑的题没那么简单,不是什么东西都可以被质疑,事实是永远不可能被质疑的,只有可能质疑观点!
❷ 我们永远不能只看文章的“碎片信息”,我们对于所有信息的理解都应该是基于前后文逻辑的。不能看到选项里有几个文中的原词就想选!
❸ 看选项的时候第一优先级是先思考选项表达的“逻辑”是否正确。不要先陷到细节里进行无意义的纠结。
❹ 如果选项有绝对词的话,要确认原文是否真的有这种绝对程度的依据!