最近准备申请2025 Fall和2026 Fall的同学都已经开始陆续加入GRE备考的大军中啦。大家起初在GRE备考中容易受到的最大的两个冲击就是:
W.E.B. Du Bois’ exhibit of African American history and culture at the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle attracted the attention of a world of sociological scholarship whose value his work challenged. Du Bois believed that Spencerian sociologists failed in their attempts to gain greater understanding of human deeds because their work examined not deeds but theories and because they gathered data not to affect social progress but merely to theorize. In his exhibit, Du Bois sought to present cultural artifacts that would shift the focus of sociology from the construction of vast generalizations to the observation of particular, living individual elements of society and the working contributions of individual people to a vast functioning social structure.
这是一道不定项选择的信息题。问关于Du Bois以下哪个说法是正确的。
这篇文章是将Du Bois与Spencerian sociologists进行了对比。
1.Du Bois 想focus在“observation of particular, living individual elements of society and the working contributions of individual people to a vast functioning social structure”上。所以有与之相对应的选项可以选。这是直接信息。
2.Spencerian sociologists是failed in their attempts to gain greater understanding of human deeds /examined not deeds but theories /not to affect social progress but merely to theorize.
由于Du Bois和Spencerian sociologists是对比关系,所以Spencerian sociologists的反面在这个题中也可以选。这就是我们刚刚说的利用“对比”逻辑进行反推。
A选项,contribute to the betterment of society。这个就是Spencerian sociologists的反面(因为Spencerian sociologists是not to affect social progress,progress即betterment)。通过反推原则,可以选。
B选项,study what people actually do。这个也是Spencerian sociologists的反面(因为Spencerian sociologists是failed in understanding of human deeds)。也是通过反推原则,可以选。
C选项, social structures determine individual behavior,文章没有谈论过是什么在决定individual behavior,无关选项。
但是!有无数同学经常会选到一些 “无关比较”的选项上。究其原因是大家在看选项的时候根本不注意选项表达出的逻辑形式,只是觉得选项用的这些词或者说是概念文章里都出现过,觉得眼熟就选了…
There is mounting evidence that the frequency and magnitude of landsliding is changing in many parts of the world in response to climate change. This is not surprising, given that precipitation is one of the two external triggering mechanisms—the other being seismic activity—involved in the formation of landslides. Evidence from the past clearly indicates that cycles of elevated landslide activity have been followed by cycles of low activity, and that these are correlated with climate fluctuations over a variety of timescales.
What sets current changes in landslide activity apart is the likely influence of anthropogenic (i.e., human-caused) factors, either acting alone or in concert with climate, which can further modify the process of landsliding and the nature of ecosystem responses. Among these factors, deforestation and land-use change have the potential to influence the frequency and magnitude of landsliding because of their direct effects on vegetation attributes that influence slope stability. The extent and conditions under which mountain ecosystems are resilient to these changes—that is, the amount of disturbance they can absorb before changing into states with different structure and function—are not known. Addressing this issue is crucial for the long-term conservation of mountainscapes.